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cmvh design , UrDu v2

UrDu v2

POSTED IN installation, portfolio, urban | TAGS : , , January 31, 2013

2013.02.02 UrDu Ottawa-1007 2013.02.02 UrDu Ottawa-1008


[dropcap]UrDu v2 [/dropcap] (Urban Diffuser v2) was developed from an installation we did in Edmonton for the 2012 illumiNITE competition. Version 2 was scaled up significantly, and featured a sound reactive lighting system. These photos show the piece installed in Ottawa for the duration of the Winterlude festival – Feb 1-18, 2013. There are two different versions because the first (taller) one did not respond well to the wind. The shorter piece has a wider base, and proved to be much better able to stand up to the weather.

This piece has over 500 florescent lens diffusers repurposed from an old Zellers store. They are bent into circles, and the ends wrapped together tightly with shrink wrap. It took 3 days to assemble and install. The piece was completed with the significant contributions of Maria Landry and Urban Visuals – uvlab.com


opening night


[blockquote]turn down your volume for this one![/blockquote]
